Expedition 25 Mission Decal
The mission patch design for the 25th Expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) pays tribute to the rich history of innovation and bold engineering in the quest for knowledge, exploration and discovery in space. The patch highlights the symbolic passing of the torch to the ISS, as the vehicle that will carry us into the future of space exploration. The Space Shuttle Program emblem is the foundation of the patch and forms the Greek letter 'Alpha' with a new dawn breaking at the center, symbolizing a new vision for space exploration. The Alpha symbol is overlaid by the Greek letter 'Omega', paying tribute to the culmination of the Space Shuttle Program. The mission designation '25' is shown centered at the bottom of the patch, symbolizing the point in time when the Space Shuttle, the workhorse of the ISS assembly process, will make its final visit to the ISS. Between the '25' and the Earth crescent, the orbiter is shown returning to Earth on its final journey, during the Expedition 25 mission. Above Earth and the breaking dawn, the ISS takes center-stage, completed and fully equipped to carry us beyond this new dawn to new voyages and discoveries. The orbit connecting the ISS and the Earth is drawn in the colors of the United States and Russian flags; paying tribute to the blended heritage of the crew. The two largest stars in the field represent the arrival and departure of the crews in separate Russian Soyuz vehicles. The six stars in the field represent the six crew members. The International Space Station abbreviation 'ISS' and 'MKC' -- in English and Russian, respectively- flank the mission number designation, and the names of the crew members in their native languages border the ISS symbol.