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NASA Apollo 16 Mission Lapel Pin
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APOLLO 16 Lapel Pin

Mission Apollo XVI
Crew John Young
Thomas Mattingly
Charles Duke, Jr.
Lift Off Saturn V
April 16, 1972
12:54 p.m. EST
KSC, Florida
Complex 39-A
April 20, 1972
9:23 p.m. EST
Plain of Descartes
Lift Off
April 23, 1972
8:25 p.m. EST
April 27, 1972
2:45 p.m. EST
Pacific Ocean
Duration 11 days, 1 hour,
51 minutes

The Apollo 16 space vehicle was launched from Kennedy Space Center on April 16, 1972. The crew consisted of Captain John W. Young, commander; Lt. Commander Thomas K. Mattingly II, Command Module pilot; and Lt. Colonel Charles M. Duke Jr., Lunar Module pilot.

A number of experiments were deployed and two impressive landmarks, Stone Mountain and the North Ray crater, visited. Samples taken from the rim of North Ray crater later proved to be bedrock thrown up from the meteorite impact that had created it. Three moon walks with lunar surface activities totaling 20 hours and 17 minutes were accomplished by Young and Duke. The crew remained on the lunar surface for a total of about 71 hours. After lunar liftoff, the Lunar Module rendezvoused with the Command Module and Mattingly.

When the crew returned to orbit, tensions rose as it was discovered that a faulty engine on Casper, the Command Module, had to fire. The module was taken around the far side of the Moon where the burn would take place as Mission Control waited for news.

The burn had the desired effect as the astronauts re-established radio contact, and entry and landing proceeded as normal.