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Space PVC Keyring – Astronaut
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Space PVC Keyring – Astronaut

Tag your keys with pride, 7.0 cm tall

The term "astronaut" derives from the Greek words meaning "space sailor," and refers to all who have been launched as crew members aboard NASA spacecraft bound for orbit and beyond. The term "astronaut" has been maintained as the title for those selected to join the NASA corps of astronauts who make "space sailing" their career profession.

Active Astronauts: Eligible for flight assignment.
Management Astronauts: Currently employed at NASA but are no longer eligible for flight assignment.
Astronaut Candidates: Selected by NASA as candidates for the NASA astronaut corps. 
Former Astronauts: Astronauts are those who have left NASA, including those who are deceased.
International Astronauts: Astronauts from international space agencies who have trained or served with NASA Astronauts.